Clickjacking is a type of “web framing” or “UI redressing” attack. What that simply means in practice is that:
1. A user (victim) is shown an innocuous, but enticing web page (think watch online video)
2. Another web page (that generally does something important – think add friends on social network) is layered on top of the first page and set to be transparent
3. When the user thinks they are clicking on the web page they see (video), they are actually clicking on the higher layered (framed) page that is transparent
This attack is clever, and there are some interesting specifics in the actual execution of an attack (For more info, see the references), but here, I’m concerned with preventing the attack.
What should I do about it?
There is still no perfect answer on clickjacking, but things are getting better, especially as users upgrade to more modern browsers. The recommendation is two-fold:
1. Use the X-Frame-Options HTTP header
2. Include framebusting code
There is a future article in the series coming, I promise, on the X-Frame-Options HTTP header. All I’ll say for now is that this header is the more robust solution, but that it requires a relatively modern browser. Fortunately, folks are slowly moving towards more modern browsers, so the situation is improving.
As for the framebusting recommendation, it is breakable, but should still be done. It certainly raises the bar. There are many options for framebusting code, but the folks at Stanford put together a paper on framebusting where they evaluated the current code in the wild and showed ways to break it. They came up with their own proposed solution in the paper. I’ll omit the code here, but it’s at the top of page 11 of the pdf. The basic idea is to both:
a) use the stylesheet to disable display for the entire body of the page, and
b) use Javascript to either enable the display if not framed, or to bust out of the frame if framed.
This solution will probably (if it’s not already) be broken, but it appears to be the best we have today.
Clickjacking is unfortunately a less-than-clearcut issue to solve, but by combining a couple different approaches, you can resolve the issue with a fair amount of robustness.
Update 2/3/2012: The Stanford approach does not adequately support IE in all instances – here’s a post from August Detlefsen explaining the solution. (h/t Chris Schmidt)